Welcome to Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association
Maharashtra Orthopedic AssociationMaharashtra Orthopedic AssociationMaharashtra Orthopedic Association
Monday - Saturday
Satara Road, Pune-37.

Participation in Various Committees


Dear all MOA Members

Warm Greetings from MOA!

As all of you know, Maharashtra Orthopedic Association  is going to conduct the Prestigious MOACON24, THE MAJESTIC , from 28th March (Workshops), 29-31st March 2024 (Main Conference), at Hotel West-in Mumbai.

I am proud to inform you that, for the First time in History in last 40 yrs, MOACON is being conducted at Mumbai, as an exclusive event!

It will have 7 Workshops, 8 Halls, more than 250 National and International Faculties and more than 1500 delegates.

This is our Family Function. All of us need to participate in different capacities like Faculty, delegates, Committee members. I am sending herewith list of Various Committees.

Kindy fill up the form and send before 15th January 2024.

Academic Committees will be declared shortly.

Conference Registration is mandatory for all

If you are interested in participating in any other capacity in MOACON24, kindly let me know. You are welcome!

Let us Join Hands together, to make the prestigious MOACON24, the Majestic, a Grand Success!

Warm regards,
Dr N J Karne
Organizing Secretary, MOACON24, the Majestic
Secretary & Treasurer, MOA

Conference Secretariat

  • Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association C/o. Karne Hospital, Pune Satara Road, Near Laxmi Narayan Theatre, Swargate, Pune 411037.
  • +91 7875446478
  • moacon24themajestic@gmail.com

Conference Event Manager

  • VAMA EVENTS PVT LTD., Kohinoor Square Phase I, B Wing, Ofce No. 1004, 10th Floor, N.C. Kelkar Road, Shivaji Park, Dadar West Mumbai - 400 028.
  • 022 46052832
  • conferences@vamaevents.com

Conference Brochures


Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association
C/o. Karne Hospital,
Pune Satara Road, Near Laxmi Narayan Theatre,
Swargate, Pune 411037.
Mob. No. +91 7875446478
Email : moacon24themajestic@gmail.com

VAMA EVENTS PVT LTD., Kohinoor Square Phase I,
B Wing, Office No. 1004, 10th Floor, N.C. Kelkar Road,
Shivaji Park, Dadar West Mumbai – 400 028
Tel. No. 022 46052832 
Email :  conferences@vamaevents.com

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)