Welcome to Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association
Maharashtra Orthopedic AssociationMaharashtra Orthopedic AssociationMaharashtra Orthopedic Association
Monday - Saturday
Satara Road, Pune-37.

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Academics and Beyond

Message From The President

Dear all Respected Members of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association.

Namasate ! 

It is my great pleasure to address you as the president of MOA. Last few years were very turbulent and let us start the coming year with new hope and a new beginning. Associations of professionals always have ACADEMICS at the centre around which all activities are arranged. With new and newer laws and restrictions coming in to force, the practice of medicine requires more than acquiring medical knowledge.

Private health care facilities which cater more than 70% of our country’s population needs to follow stringent legal restrictions. I strongly believe that now it is high time for the associations to look BEYOND ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE. Associations now should help the members in adjusting and overcoming the hurdles faced by them. There are certain areas like standard surgical consents, optimal treatment protocols and following NMC guidelines, where an individual is helpless but an associations can do a lot. So I propose this year we work with Academics and Beyond as President’s theme.

With the support of my colleagues in Executive Committee and all the members of MOA, I have planned for 5 overseas and 5 in land Eponymous fellowships for MOA members. We have also planned to publish consents for specific surgical procedures and get it approved from NMC.

Long due Indexing of our Journal will be completed soon and we will have separate cells for purchase and maintenance of equipments and implants at special subsidised rates for our members.

With the support and participation of you all we will give a new direction to our association for a better and peaceful future.

Jai Hind.

Dr. Rajendra Abhyankar


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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