
I have been a member of MOA since 2005. It has been an entiching experience to interact with senior members and my own colleague members on a regular basis. Thanks to this association. The conferences held have been my source of leaning and staying updated. I decided to stand for elections tonthe MOA executive committee in 2017. After getting elected & working as MOA EC, I realised Team work is the key of MOA sucess. I would encourage all members to shed their inhibitions and try to be an active part of the assocuation and also be part of the EC as it reallg hekps one to grow as an individual and orthopaedic surgeon. I wish most of the other academic bodies to follow similar path for benefit to each & every member. Long live the MOA and each of its members.
Immediate Past Secretary, MOA
I became member of Maharashtra orthopedic association in1998. I started my orthopedic carrer in 1997 at Jalna. We conducted one day regional conference at Jalna in 1998 under aegis of MOA. At that time we were under 10 at Jalna. Since then I attended almost each and every MOACON, including one at shrilanka in 2006. I got elected as executive committee member in 2009 at Aurangabad with highest number of votes at that time. Then again I was elected as executive committee member when Dr. Pulate resigned in-between his tenure with highest number of online votes. I was working for MOA under the guidance of seniors and I got elected as Hon. Secretary cum treasurer of our prestigious organization in 2016 again at aurangabad. A person from small town with less than 30members got elected for this coveted post due to love and affection of its members from entire state. I worked hard during my tenure as Hon. Secretary and could bring many laurels and recognitions to our beloved association with help of my executive team.one of the best achievement was A.K. Gupta trophy along with IOACON 2020, CME at Kolkata and runner up for bone and joint day award.
I always believed in team work and travelled almost each and every corner of our state for MOA work. Journal, website and all other activities were in full swing. I am happy to contribute towards betterment of our beloved association and request remaining orthopaedic surgeons from state to become member of our association and contribute in academic and social activities of MOA. I am thankful to all MOA members for their unconditional love and affection during these days. Together we can make our association number one in nation with our efforts and contribution. I am happy at whatever contribution I have made and will continue to do so in future also.
Long live MOA. Jay MOA.
Immediate Past Secretary, MOA
Becoming a member of the Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association took me some time. I graduated MS Ortho in Jan 2002. But it was not until 2008 when I decided to become a member of the association. What made me decide to be a member, was my eagerness to learn and my desire to 'belong'. Perhaps also because that was when I was reasonably 'settled' and could 'afford' it! Joining MOA was the most sensible thing I did. It gave me immediate inclusion into all the mailers and messages informing about courses and conferences, also giving me the advantage of special rates when I attended these.
I attended the MOACON faithfully every year since then. I got to visit, stay at and experience the hospitality of different parts of Maharashtra. I remember especially the ones at Mahabaleshwar, Aurangabad, Nasik, Solapur, Nanded, Pune and Mumbai, to name a few. The concept of the MOARCON was also excellent and I would get to go to Jalgaon, Nagpur, Akola, Amravati, Nasik, Beed and other places where the MOACON had not been conducted. Learning at these conferences and courses was supreme. The best faculty, the latest techniques, the best hospitality and a totally refreshing experience is what attracted me every time. Today I can even say I have learned most of what I know from attending these courses and conferences and this has made me a better Orthopaedician. Long live MOA and may our association prosper and flourish.
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Pune
Over the years, MOA has meant a great deal to me both professionally and socially. Throughout my 15 years of membership I have really benefited from the opportunity to interact with great doctors, both formally and informally and there is so much to learn from the MOA's Orthopaedic Trauma Webinar Series with case based scenarios & tips & tricks which is conducted by our esteemed faculty of experienced doctors in Maharashtra.
Orthopaedics Doctor, Beed