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Awards & Achievements

We believe, the passion trying & skill can make a top-performing Orthopedic Association.

Dr. Sampath Dumbre Patil - Foot and Ankle Surgeon

Another MOA family joins the Iron Man stream. Both Foot and Ankle Surgeon Dr. Sampath Dumbre Patil Sir and his daughter Prachi achieved success in the Olympic Distance Triathlon Competition held at INS Shivaji Lonavla. Interestingly, Kumari Prachi won the podium in her debut competition.
Congratulations Dumbre family

Dr. Arjun Viegas

Congratulations !
Dr.Arjun Viegas, Received the Adarsh Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine at the hands of the Legendary Crickerter, Padamashree, Padmabhushan, Arjun Awardee, Chandu Borde Saheb, from the foundation named after him at a very grand and stellar ceremony on Saturday 19th November, 2022 in recognition of his work and the practice of ethical and dedicated medical care.

Dr. Prakash Sigedar

Congratulations !
Happy to share with you that my article Review on Medico Legal and Ethical Aspects of Orthopedic Practice is published in International Journal. Thanks a lot Prof. Dr. Purushottam Giri for helping me in this endeavor. READ MORE

Dr. Parag Sancheti

Congratulations !
Dr Parag Sancheti took over as President of Asia Pacific Knee Society.....Proud moment for all

Dr. Vijay Kakatkar

Congratulations !
Received Inspiring Orthopaedic Surgeon of India Award from Economic Times on the occasion of Doctor's Day. This function was organized in Delhi.

Dr. Kiran Saoji

Congratulations !
We am happy to inform you that our Executive Member conferred PhD in Orthopaedic and also awarded with Title of Professor eminence in Orthopaedic.

Dr. Eknath Pawar

Congratualations !
Prof Eknath Pawar is 1st PHD Teacher
in JJ Orthopedic.
Dr.Dhiraj Sonawane is his student for PHD and Dr.Sandeep Biraris will soon join as another student.
Past Awards & Achievements We Got !
  • A.K. Gupta Trophy for Best state chapter of IOA this year. Trophy will be presented to us at Kolkata in inaugural function. We got it jointly with Tamilnadu. Both got 108/110 points.

  • IOACON 2020 at Mumbai will be hosted by MOA and BOS.

  • Dr. K. T. Dholakia CME of IOA at IOACON 2019 at Kolkata.

  • Second number in Bone and Joint Day activities this year. The certificate was given today in GBM to team MOA by President IOA Dr. Mandeep Dhillon and Hon. Secretary Dr. Atul Shrivastsva.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)