Secretary’s Message
Dear Friends,
All this will be possible, only with your overwhelming Support and Co-operation. It is our Teamwork, Harmony and Collective Efforts, which are going to Help me to Take MOA to your Doorstep!
Taking Academics to Grass Root Level
Violence against Doctors and Medicolegal issues Escalation
Draconian Govt Rules and Regulations
Annoying Nursing Home Management
Pathetic Schedule of Charges by Insurance Companies and Various Govt Schemes
Stop Harassment and Extortion during Sales and Service of Equipments and Instruments
Purchase of Surgical Consumables and Medicines

Dr. Abhijeet Wahegaonkar
How I wish to do it at State Level through MOA ?
As all of you are aware, MOA is doing excellent Work in Propagating Academics, I wish to take it to Greater Heights, Width and Depth. Orthopods in Periphery and remote places have difficulty to go to Metros for all Conferences. It is easier and convenient for them to go to their respective District Places. So, through MOA, In Association with Local District Associations, I am planning widespread Academic Programs in all Sub-Specialities in Orthopaedics, in all Districts. Top National as well as Eminent Local Masters will guide them.
Apart from Academics, I wish to Concentrate more on other Dear and Serious Issues faced by All Practicing Doctors.
Apart from Academics, I wish to Concentrate more on other Dear and Serious Issues faced by All Practicing Doctors.
All Medical Fraternity is in a State of Fear and Panic, due to increasing Incidences of Violence and Medicolegal Cases. Lot of attempts are required at Social, Political and Media Levels to address these issues from its Root. I want MOA to help proactively, its members actively in Prevention and tackling such Issues. I have definite plans for this.
The Existing and Forthcoming Govt Rules and Regulations are Draconian and are going to make Orthopedic Practice more and more difficult. So, at State Level, MOA can discuss and negotiate with Govt to make it simpler and avoid its atrocious Implementation.
In recent years, Nursing Home Owners face lot of difficulties in Management. Local Municipal Bodies, Registration of Nursing Homes, Staff Management, Labour Dept Compliance, FDA, Bio-waste, Pollution Control, Frivolous Police Complaints, BARC Compliance for Xrays etc. It is high time that the State Apex Body should help their members in all these issues.
No of Insured patients, is increasing rapidly day by day. At the same time, Insurance Companies (e.g.PPN) have reduced their charges drastically. They don’t pay any heed to individual doctor’s protest or feasibility. Also, all Govt Schemes like Ayshman Bharat, Mahatma Phule Yojana, CGHS have so pathetic charges that it is ipossible to give Quality treatment in these charges. MOA, being State Level Body can effectively help in this Matter.
It has been experienced by most of us that, Equipment Vendors not only charge Excessive for Sale to Individual Surgeon, but extort heavily for its Service and Repairs. This is observed mainly for Imported Equipments. MOA at State Level can regulate this and make it fair for all its Members.
As all of us Know, Prices of Surgical Consumables and Medicines reduce drastically if taken as Bulk. Also, we are cheated in Quality. MOA can help its members to get these in Excellent Quality as much less Price. We can implement All Doctors : One Rate Policy.